
Nature objects

Nature Park “Daugavas Loki”

Nature Park “Daugavas Loki” was created to preserve the unique natural complexes, natural, cultural and historical values and little transformed landscapes of the ancient valley of the Daugava on the site of Naujene to Kraslava. The bends of the ancient valley of the Daugava are considered to be the oldest geological formations in Latvia. The Nature Park “Daugavas Loki” was recognized as the NATURA 2000 territory in 2004, but in 2011 this park was included in the Latvian National UNESCO World Heritage List.

Big boulder of Nicgale

Big boulder of Nicgale is the biggest known boulder in Latvia. Length of the boulder is 10,5 m, width – 10,4 m, but height – 3,50 m.

Sightseeing Tower in Vasargeliski

After climbing 21 meters high tower, You will see a picturesque views on Daugava river bend and Nature park “Daugavas loki”, including view, that was depicted on the banknote of 10 lats (LVL).

The promenade on Bruģu Street on the bank of the Daugava River

On the right bank of the Daugava River, in the vicinity of Gayok district the Bruģu Street promenade has been built.  It is aimed at giving the streets a new, functional look and meaning. After completion of the Bruģu Street promenade, Daugavpils city acquired a new, facilitated area for strolling and enjoying the splendour of nature.

Lielais Stropu Lake Promenade

Lielais Stropu Lake – the largest water body in Daugavpils, located 8 km from the city centre, attracts a large number of holidaymakers in the summer season. There is a ~5km long promenade along the shore of the lake. By walking along the promenade from the Central Beach to the left, you can reach the beach “Stropu vilnis”, where the adventure park “Daugavpils Tarzāns” and a camping site are located.

Slutiski Scarp

Slutishki Scarp is located in Daugavas Loki Nature Park and it is the biggest outcrop of Quaternary rock on the territory of Latvia which is located in Daugava river’s valley. Its height is 40.9 m, but length – 400 m. There is a recreation place on the Slutishki Scarp.

Lukna Lake

Lukna lake is a favorite place for fishing, bird watching and active recreation. There is a well-equipped recreation place and a boat station and pier “Višķi uz viļņa” on the beach near the Viski Technical School, while at the beach of Ostrava, there is both a bird observation tower and a recreation place in. Licensed fishing in Lake Lukna is organized by Višķi Parish Council.

Ostrova Birdwatching Tower

There is a sightseeing tower on the narrow peninsula between lakes Lukna, Viski and Boltaru, from which these lakes and the hilly landscape of the surroundings can be seen. A well-equipped recreation place “Udensrozes” is located near.

“Silene” Nature Park

The nature park ir situated near to the border of Belarus and includes 24 lakes, some of which are located in both countries. European pond turtle, fire-bellied toad, great crested newt and forest dormouse can be found in the marshes and lakes of the park. Black storks, black kites and lesser spotted eagles nest in park’s forests.

Pogulanka (Saliena) River and arch-shaped stone bridge

Many kinds of plants and animals were discovered in the valley of Pogulanka River. Also a number of natural monuments and cultural-historical objects were found here. At the end of the 19th century arch-shaped stone bridge was built across the river.

Subate Lake Park

Subate Lake Park is a favorite recreation place of inhabitants of Subate and guests during the summer season.

Lazdukalni Sightseeing Tower

The sightseeing tower is located in Daugavas Loki Nature Park, on the left bank of the river. From the top of the sightseeing tower (20 m) picturesque views of ancient Daugava River valley can be seen – forests, countryside, roads.

Svente Lake

Svente Lake is one of the 10 deepest lakes in Latvia. The Lake has eminent landscape and it is included in the list of protected landscapes of Augšzeme, together with surrounding territory lake is included in Svente Nature Park.

Medumi Lake’s Nature Park

Among the glacial hills, there are several lakes in the hollows, the largest of which are Medumi lake, Ilga lake, Samankas lake, Skirstenu lake and others. Lakes along with mixed and broad-leaved forests and fields, forms a unique, magnificent natural landscape.

Lake Rici and Perkule Scarp

Rici lake is located in the border zone and it is included in Silene Nature Park. The picturesque view of the lake can be seen from the Perkule Scarp – a steep shore of Rici Lake, where also the recreation place is located.

Ververi Scarp

It is at least 36 m high cliff from Quaternary rock, the slope of which reaches 38 degrees. Beautiful view of peculiar narrowing of the ancient valley of Daugava -“Daugava gates” can be seen from the scarp.

Lake Medumi

A picturesque lake, that is included in the Protected Landscape Area “Augšzeme” and in Nature Park “Medumu ezeraine”. On the shore of the lake in Medumi village is located a well-equipped recreation place and a beach. Recreation at the lake is provided by the Recreation Complex “Saulesstari”. Fishing in Medumi Lake requires a license.

Forest trail “Egļukalns”

JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) in the southern region of Latgale has opened the new hiking trail “Forest trail “Egļukalns””, suitable for both families and experienced tourists.

Slutiski ravine trail

An interesting walking route is located in the very picturesque territory of the nature park “Daugavas loki”. The Slutiski ravine trail connects Slutiski scarp and Slutiski courtyard.

Nature park „Dvietes paliene”

It is a world-scale unique flocking and nesting place for migratory birds where rare, natural and nearly unspoilt watergrasslands serve as home to a number of rare and protected species of plants and animals in Latvia and Europe.

Nature reserve “Pilskalnes Siguldiņa”

The nature reserve situated in a gorgeous valley that has been carved by melting glacier waters, has the territory of 59.3 hectares. The banks of the valley are thickly covered with broadleaved trees.

Swamp Trail in Esplanade

The Swamp Trail is a unique tourist and nature exploration object. The Swamp Trail is a 1.5-kilometre-long trail with several viewing platforms and hides for bird and animal watching. You can explore the diverse life of the swamp’s inhabitants in two ways: by taking a leisurely stroll along the well-maintained trail, or by taking on the role of a field researcher and choosing an adventurous route.