Tarptautinis keleivių vežėjas „FlixBus” siūlo nebrangius tolimojo susisiekimo autobusais tarp Latvijos (įskaitant Daugpilį), Estijos ir Lietuvos per Lenkiją ir Vokietiją, sujungdamas Baltijos šalis su plačiausiu autobusų tinklu Europoje.
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Daugpilis kviečia į galingą Naujųjų metų šventę Vienybės aikštėje
Šiais metais Naujųjų metų sutikimas Daugpilyje žada būti ypač spalvingas ir nepamirštamas. Gruodžio 31 d., antradienį, kviečiame visus į galingą naujametinį vakarą Vienybės aikštėje pasimėgauti šventine atmosfera, pasitikti 2025-uosius ir švęsti Daugpilio 750 metų jubiliejų!
Discover Daugavpils with a free guided tour!
If you want to learn more about Daugavpils, the best way to do it is to visit a guided city tour, which will take you through the most important sights and their history. Your guide will tell you interesting and fascinating stories about our city.
Pakelkite Daugpilį į dangų – balsuokite už mūsų vardą danguje!
Tai unikali galimybė mūsų miestui tapti matomam visame pasaulyje, nes Daugpilio vardas pakils į dangų, pradedant skrydžius į įvairias šalis.
If you are planning a holiday in Daugavpils from 9th August to 15th August, take a look at the cultural and sports events on offer.
Embark on an exciting adventure along the Daugava River!
With the onset of warm weather, Daugavpils offers trips along the Daugava on the boat “Sikspārnis” and the boat “Dina”. During the trip, you will be pleased with the beautiful views of the Daugava and the opportunity to enjoy views of the city from the water. It is also a great way to spend time with family and friends.
The main events of the Daugavpils City Festival will take place from 31 May to 2 June. As usual, residents and visitors will enjoy a varied programme of festivities with concerts by different artists, as well as performances by local collectives and artists.
Celebrate a bachelor party in Daugavpils
Ideas for what to do at a bachelor party to surprise the bachelor and have a great time in Daugavpils.
Idėjos verslo renginiams Daugpilyje
Pateikiame 13 puikių idėjų įmonių renginiams!
ANNUAL CARD of the Rothko Centre – a special gift for your special someone
Less than a month short of Christmas, the year’s most beautiful holiday season, we are looking for special gifts for our most special people.
Daugavpils offers a wide range of recreation and leisure opportunities, visits to the city museums, cultural institutions and natural sites during the summer tourist season. Daugavpils is a dog friendly city, so residents and guests of Daugavpils can visit sightseeing with their four-legged pets.
Tourist brochures „From Kaunas to Daugavpils along the old postal route” are available at Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre (VIDEO)
Tourist brochures „From Kaunas to Daugavpils along the old postal route” are available at Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre (TIC). They introduce readers to the historical tourist route and invite to take a trip along the old postal route connecting Daugavpils and Kaunas.