
Recreation places

Liksna Manor Park (Liksna paths)

Walking paths was made by the inhabitants of Liksna village in 1999 and from then every year this paths has been extended. There are walking paths, well-equipped recreation places, creative forms of wood and metal, including the Love Tree.

Silene Resort & Spa****

For accommodation Silene Resort & Spa offers comfortable villas with all modern conveniences, free Wi-Fi and individual parking, cozy rooms in our hotel, as well as equipped locations for camping. For more active leisure Silene Resort & Spa offers: a rope course “Lynx trail” with various obstacles, the 400-meter flight over the lake, paintball, “Bear Hunting” game and equipment rent(various elektroskooters and bicycles, boats, catamarans, water motorcycles and many others things).

Sightseeing Tower in Vasargeliski

After climbing 21 meters high tower, You will see a picturesque views on Daugava river bend and Nature park “Daugavas loki”, including view, that was depicted on the banknote of 10 lats (LVL).

Ski resort “Egļukalns”

The skiing and snowboarding paradise of Daugavpils District offers to have fun on three tracks: slalom, family and snowtubing, every winter.

The promenade on Bruģu Street on the bank of the Daugava River

On the right bank of the Daugava River, in the vicinity of Gayok district the Bruģu Street promenade has been built.  It is aimed at giving the streets a new, functional look and meaning. After completion of the Bruģu Street promenade, Daugavpils city acquired a new, facilitated area for strolling and enjoying the splendour of nature.

Lielais Stropu Lake Promenade

Lielais Stropu Lake – the largest water body in Daugavpils, located 8 km from the city centre, attracts a large number of holidaymakers in the summer season. There is a ~5km long promenade along the shore of the lake. By walking along the promenade from the Central Beach to the left, you can reach the beach “Stropu vilnis”, where the adventure park “Daugavpils Tarzāns” and a camping site are located.

Slutiski Scarp

Slutishki Scarp is located in Daugavas Loki Nature Park and it is the biggest outcrop of Quaternary rock on the territory of Latvia which is located in Daugava river’s valley. Its height is 40.9 m, but length – 400 m. There is a recreation place on the Slutishki Scarp.

Jezupova (Juzefova) Manor Park

Jezupova (Juzefova) Manor Park was built in the 19th century in Dutch style. Nawadays only a small part of the park, which contains more than 100 different species of plants, has survived.

Ostrova Birdwatching Tower

There is a sightseeing tower on the narrow peninsula between lakes Lukna, Viski and Boltaru, from which these lakes and the hilly landscape of the surroundings can be seen. A well-equipped recreation place “Udensrozes” is located near.

Pogulanka (Saliena) River and arch-shaped stone bridge

Many kinds of plants and animals were discovered in the valley of Pogulanka River. Also a number of natural monuments and cultural-historical objects were found here. At the end of the 19th century arch-shaped stone bridge was built across the river.

Recreation place “Višķezers”

It is located on the bank of lake Viski and offers recreational facilities: accommodation, sauna, banquet hall, sports ground, camping and campfire sites, well-maintained beach, boat, catamaran and bike rental.

Recreation area “Sventes Rasa”

Recreation area “Sventes Rasa” offers you a great rest on the shore of Lake Sventa: guest houses, picnic places, SUP boards, catamaran rental, windsurfing equipment rental, boat rental, fishing and a wonderful sunset.

Svente walking trail

The Svente walking trail is located several kilometers from Jaunsvente park, runs along Sventes lake.

Lake Rici and Perkule Scarp

Rici lake is located in the border zone and it is included in Silene Nature Park. The picturesque view of the lake can be seen from the Perkule Scarp – a steep shore of Rici Lake, where also the recreation place is located.

Sudmali Mound

The mound was registred the first in 1882 by A.Bilensteins. In 1926 E. Brastins published the description of the mound.

Recreation place “Bruņinieku laukums”

The Dinaburg Castle Trail, where the recreation place is located, is about 1 km long. In 2016, the trail was renovated with a new viewing platform, wooden stairs and small bridges. After climbing up and down you can take a breath and have a meal in the well-equipped recreation place on the bank of the Daugava River – on “Bruņinieku laukums”.

Recreation places near Luknas lake

According to the project, on the beaches of Luknas lake near the Viski technical school and in Ostrova recreation places with different equipment (tables, benches, bowers, swings, toilets and garbage bins) were installed.

Recreation place near Medumi lake

In the territory of Medumi village, on the shore of Medumi lake, there is a well-equipped recreation place and beach – here you can go fishing and relax by the lake.

Recreation place “Zemenīte”

Place for the rest s located on the territory of the Daugavas Loki Natural Park. Beautiful landscape and slope to the Daugava, picnic, and recreation place for a larger company. There are different types of swings, a large canopy with a dining table, a separate dining table, many benches, a large area for tents.

Akmenupe Nature trail

Here it is possible to get acquainted with the natural diversity of the Augszeme highlands – geological formations, forest and meadow plants, to meet wild animals.

Subate Lake Park

Subate Lake Park is a favorite recreation place of inhabitants of Subate and guests during the summer season.

Recreation place near the Gaišezers lake

Not far from the city, in a wooded area near the Gaišezers lake, there is a well-equipped recreation area with a swimming place, several gazebos, benches and tables, and a fire place.

Dviete Park

The inhabitants of Dviete are proud of their well-kept, special aura-endowed and ancient park, which is a popular natural and public object. Dviete park was created in the 19th century as a landscape park with a masonry bridge.