Painter (1904-1966). He was born on May 18, 1904 in Jekabpils district Daudzese parish in the worker’s family. He was keen on drawing at an early age. In 1921 K. Mudelis becomes the student of the State Art’s Academy and studies with such the famous masters as J. Feders, G. Eliass and V. Purvitis. His years … >>
Nikodems Bojars
24.08.2017A scientist, chemist, writer. Born on 1st of June 1925 in family of the Chairman of Daugavpils District and School Boards Alois Bojars and the teacher Elvira Adele Bojare. Nikodems Bojars studied in Zaķīši school of Vārkava district where his mother worked as a teacher. In 1939 he graduated from Daugavpils State Teachers’ Institute’s primary school, … >>
Sigurds Vīdzirkste
25.08.2017Artist, painter (1928-1974). Sigurds Vidzirkste was born on February 10, 1928 in a family of civil servants in Daugavpils. He got his first skills in art at the elementary school under the guidance of Janis Kalmite. His studies at the Department of Chemistry at the Riga State Technicum gave him the knowledge that he later … >>
Sergejs Civinskis
24.08.2017Caricaturist, aviator (1895-1941). Sergejs Civinskis was born on June 22, 1895 in Dvinsk (Daugavpils) in the Polish origin family of an army officer. He got a respectable military education after the completion of the Pskov Cadet Corps, Alexander Military Law Academy (1914), Gatchinsky Aviation School (1916) and Odessa Aerobatic School (1917). He made many fighting … >>
Staņislavs Kreics
24.08.2017Gleznotājs (1909-1992). Dzimis 1909. gada 1. jūlijā Daugavpilī. Bērnības gadus pavadīja Kārsavas apkaimē. Pēc pamatskolas beigšanas strādāja Ilūkstē par fotogrāfu un mācījās Daugavpils vakara vidusskolā. Šajā laikā radās pirmā nopietnā interese par mākslu. 1938. gadā iestājās Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā. Profesionālās iemaņas apguva pie A.Annusa, V.Tones, K.Ubāna, taču vislielāko ietekmi uz mākslinieka personību un daiļradi atstāja studiju … >>
Nikolajs Vanadzins
25.08.2017Organist, music teacher (1882-1978). Nikolajs Vanadziņs was born on December 11, 1892 in Valka district in a Trikata forester family. He was mad on and and fascinated with music since early childhood. He received his primary education in Nicolas Gymnasium in Riga, after graduation of which a young man decided to devote his entire life … >>
Nikolajs Hagelstroms
21.08.2017One of the most eminent heads of the city in 19th century. He was born in 1812. He got higher education, many years served in tsar’s army, left the service with the rank of mayor general. Worked as a head engineer in Dinaburg fortress. After leaving the service Hāgelstroms participated in public activities of the … >>
Venta Vecumniece
25.08.2017Theatre actress, director, writer, pedagogue (1927-2017). Venta Vecumniece was born in Daugavpils on December 3, 1927. Her father was the conductor of Daugavpils Garrison Orchestra. Her family lived in the territory of Daugavpils fortress. Venta Vecumniece studied at Daugavpils Secondary School No. 2, Jekabpils State Commercial School, and the State Trade Technicum. In 1949, she … >>
Alexander Staubert
23.08.2017Architect (1780(?)-1843). Alexander Staubert was born in 1780 (?) in a German family which became Russified. His father was an army officer. Being 8 year old, Alexander began his education in the Russian Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg and until 1801 he studied with the architect A. Zaharov. After graduating from the Russian Academy … >>
Georgs (Juris) Elgers
25.08.2017Elgers was born in 1585 in Valmiera and studied at Riga Dome School. Since 1605 he studied at the Braunsberg Jesuit School in Eastern Prussia, then studied rhetoric at the Polotsk School of theology. In 1607 he entered the Jesuit Order. In 1609 he studied philosophy at the Brownsburg Jesuit Collegium and worked as a … >>