
Johann Wilhelm Carl Neumann


Architect, art historian (1849 – 1919).  He was born 5 October 1849 in Grevesmuhlen, Mecklenburg in Germany. His professional activity he began in Daugavpils, in Riga-Vitebsk railway construction office under the guidance of well-known architect P.M. Bertschy. It was a time when there began a substantial implementation of Daugavpils general plan. An esplanade of the fortress … >>

Stanislavs Vilcans


Ceramist (1918-2001).  He was born on September 23, 1918 in Preili district in Dubes. He begins to learn craftsmanship at an early age with his father and uncle P. Vilcans, whom he considers as his teacher. From 1935 he is engaged in ceramics on his own. In 1938 his works were taken to art salons … >>

Bruno Jansons


Teacher, lecturer (1932-2003). He was born on September 9, 1932 in Dobele district Penkule parish. His school education he started in the same place, in Penkule Elementary school (1940-1946) and continued in Dobele High School (1946-1950). In 1956 he graduated from the University of Latvia, the Faculty of Geography and returned to his native region, … >>

Peteris Martinsons


Ceramist, architect (1931-2013). Peteris Martinsons was born on January 28, 1931 in Daugavpils in a family of servants. He lived in Daugavpils for the first 13 years of his life until during the time of the Second World War the family house of Martinsons was bombarded. The family loses all their belonging and is forced … >>

Pavel Dubrovin


He was born on 24 May 1839. He was educated in Konstantinova military school. After graduating the school he was called to the 7th degree of the official rank of the civil servant – court counsellor. The abolition of serfdom (a manifesto signed by Alexander II of Russia in 1861) and the avoidance of conflict … >>

Pavel Melnikov


A Railway transport engineer, the first Russian Minister of Transportation, member of the Russian State Duma. Pavel Melnikov was born in Moscow (according to other data, in the Tula province) on July 22, 1804 (August 3). Very little is known about his ancestry, only the fact that he comes from a landlord family. He was … >>

Grzegorz Fitelberg


Conductor, composer, violinist (1879 – 1953). Grzegorz Fitelberg was born on October 18, 1879 in Dinaburg (Daugavpils) in a Polish Jewish family. Already at an early age the boy impresses the parents with his musical abilities, which are self-evident, as Grzegorz’s father was the conductor of the Cossack regiment orchestra. It was decided in the … >>

Andrejs Švirksts


Švirksts was a municipality employee and the Head of Daugavpils. He was born in Šlosbergs house in Daugavpils county, Jersika parish. In 1915 he graduated Livenhof School (current Livani territory). After graduation Švirksts worked in railway service, but in 1917 he took part in Latgale riflemen regiment organising. IN 1919 finished teacher courses and started … >>


Pauls Krumins


Approximately 40 years in music life of Daugavpils wasn’t imaginable without Pauls Krumins – the violinist, conductor, teacher, public figure. He was born on 5 August 1892. Studied violin playing in Berlin Music Academy and started his career of chamber musician performing in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Denmark. Since 1923 he worked in Daugavpils in Latgale … >>