
Daugavpils receives the 8th International Ceramic Art Symposium


Divas nedēļas intensīvi strādājot studijās, vadot lekcijas, publiskas prezentācijas un gatavojoties noslēguma izstādes atklāšanai Daugavpils Marka Rotko mākslas centrā, Daugavpilī norisinās 8. starptautiskais keramikas mākslas simpozijs „Keramikas laboratorija”.

4 Years Shmakovka Museum, special admission fee!


This year Daugavpils City is celebrating 745th anniversary. During a week of the city’s birthday celebration, Shmakovka Museum is going to celebrate its 4-year anniversary. In honor of these two festive events museum’s admission fee on 6th and 7th June will be only 2.15 EUR.

Tips for safe travel in Latvia


In order to reduce the crowding in the most popular tourist destinations in Latvia, we invite you to broaden your horizons and get to know less-known trails, farmsteads and craftsmen’s yards, manors and other sights.



Starting from May 16, 2020 Shmakovka Museum opens its doors to visitors. In keeping with the restrictions and safety measures decreed by the government, Shmakovka Museum will accept up to 10 visitors per hour by appointment. Visitors should keep 2m distance, pay close attention to floor marking and use hand sanitizers that are available at the museum.