
The tour at the Daugavpils Fortress – 45 minutes


Daugavpils Fortress that was founded in the 19th century is a unique cultural and historical monument of national importance. The Daugavpils Fortress is the last bastion type fortress built in the world that has been preserved without significant changes. It will be possible to find out interesting facts from the history of the fortress during … >>

Opening hours of Shmakovka Museum in low season


Starting from October 1, 2020 till April 30, 2021 Shmakovka Museum will be open for visitors 6 days a week. From October till the end of April opening hours of Shmakovka Museum will be from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm.

Daugavpils receives the 8th International Ceramic Art Symposium


Divas nedēļas intensīvi strādājot studijās, vadot lekcijas, publiskas prezentācijas un gatavojoties noslēguma izstādes atklāšanai Daugavpils Marka Rotko mākslas centrā, Daugavpilī norisinās 8. starptautiskais keramikas mākslas simpozijs „Keramikas laboratorija”.