
The Rothko Centre will keep receiving visitors after 11 October


Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre continues to welcome responsible visitors. However, from 11 October onwards, the admission process will be slightly adjusted – upon entering the premises, visitors will need to show a Covid-19 certificate of testing/recovery/vaccination.

Hi! Story: America Night city game. Come out to look for an untold history!


On September 18, within the framework of the Rigas street festival, the Hi!Story:America night orienteering game will take place in Daugavpils. Find out more about the unknown pages of Latvian and American history. About outstanding Americans born in Latvia, US traditions, interesting and unexpected facts of history and culture.  Gather a team of 3 people, … >>


Šo sestdien Daugavpilī notiks 3. Starptautiskais “Dragon Boat” festivāls


Sacensības notiks 2021. gada 7. augustā no plkst. 12:00 līdz 18:00 Daugavpils Stropu ezerā, glābšanas stacijā, Stropu ielā 40.  Sacensības organizē un vada Latgales ūdens sporta veidu centrs “Dinaburg” sadarbībā  ar Daugavpils pilsētas pašvaldības iestādi „Sporta pārvalde” un Latvijas kanoe federācijas atbalstu.