This cycling route leads 17,8 km around the Lukna Lake, that is the most scenic place in Viski parish. There are numerous of interesting objects — Ostrova bird watching tower, Old Believer’s Chapel and Orthodox Church of the St. Peter and St. Paul in Danisevska, Mola Manor buildings and park, Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist and Sport and recreation complex in Viski. There are several guesthouses with accommodation and catering services, as well as rest areas on the way.
Cycling Route No. 779 “Luknas ezera loks”
3. Mola (Viski) Manor buildings and park
4. Boat station and pier “Višķi uz viļņa”
7. Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist in Viski
8. Mausoleum of the Landowners Mols
9. The Jewish Cemetery in Viski
10. Ostrova Birdwatching Tower
11. Recreation place “Višķezers”
12. Protection of the Holy Virgin Chapel in Danisevka