"I see nature like colour" exhibition by Gillian Ayres
A solo exhibition “I see nature like colour” by award-winning British artist Gillian Ayres (1930-2018) is available at the Mark Rothko Art Centre.

"Air" Exhibition by Marietta Patricia Leis
Marietta Patricia Leis is a multimedia artist living and working in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The exhibition is available from 5th July till 8th September.

“Location/ Dislocation. Between Remembering and Forgetting” exhibition
“Location/ Dislocation. Between Remembering and Forgetting” exhibition is available at the Mark Rothko Art Centre. The complexity of visual language as well as the diversity of approaches is demonstrated by the range of exhibiting artists, working in a variety of media: drawing, painting, photography, sculpture as well as a site-specific installation. The idea of movement in space and the presence of different contexts is woven into the very curatorial principle of this exhibition, presenting artists from Finland, UK, USA and Latvia.

Baltic Contemporary Ceramics "Basics"
A number of meaningful events to explore the emergence of professional ceramic art in the Baltic States with a view to outlining the historical stages of its evolution and tracing their impact on the current global image of contemporary ceramic art is taking place at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.

Exhibition of I International Painting Symposium "Silva Linarte 2019"
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre organises the first international painting symposium “Silva Linarte 2019”. It will bring together as participants artists from Sweden, Spain, Russia, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania.

Group Project from Turkey "Cilicia Breeze"
The artwork was produced in Anatolia, especially Cilica, area by a group of artists who teach at Çukurova University in Adana, a city located on the southern edge of Turkey, on the Mediterranean coast, in Cilicia.

Kirsi Kivivirta "Basic Elements"
Kirsi Kivivirta, ceramic artist and lecturer, was born in Turku, Finland, in 1959. Since 1983, she has exhibited her works in numerous exhibitions in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Russia, Italy, Spain, France, Hungary, Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, etc. as well as held more than 15 solo shows in Finland and abroad.

Maibritt Ulvedal Bjelke "Chromatic Matters"
Maibritt Ulvedal Bjelke has deftly taken the grand modern tradition of painting by storm and thus created an exquisite and original development of most of its attributes while adding a spice of her own.

Summer exhibition season in Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre
Exhibitions by Latvian, Baltic and international artists are available at the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre from 5th July to 8th September.

"Passages" Exhibition by Marco Giannotti
The exposition is available at the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre from 12th July till 30th October.