Please be informed that guided tours at the Daugavpils Lead Shot Factory will be held only for groups upon request until April 2019.
The number of visitors to Daugavpils tourist objects has increased
According to information compiled by the Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre, the total flow of visitors to Daugavpils tourist attractions, culture and recreational establishments increased in active tourist season.
Opening of November exhibition season at the Rothko Centre
On the verge of Latvian centenary celebrations, at 4 p.m. on Friday 16 November at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, launch of eight new artistic projects will mark the opening of the centre’s new exhibition season.
Latvia’s 100th anniversary holidays – the working hours of Daugavpils tourism sites
Rīgas iela 22a, tālr.: +371 65422818; +371 26444810.
17. novembrī – 10.00 – 18.00;
18. novembrī – brīvdiena;
19. novembrī – brīvdiena.
New Year’s Ball of elements 2019 in the restaurant PLAZA
Water, air, earth, fire… Such clear and at the same time so intangible untouchable! Let’s meet the new 2019 year by improvising with the world of elements!
5th International Textile Art Symposium in Daugavpils
From 6 till 16 November, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will once again host an international textile and fibre art symposium.
Leaflets about the upcoming events in Daugavpils are available at Tourist Information Centre
Leaflets about the upcoming events held in Daugavpils from October to December 2018 are available at Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre.
Working hours of Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre
Sākot ar 1. oktobri Daugavpils Tūrisma informācijas centram ir mainīts darba laiks.
Rothko Centre will celebrate Mark Rothko’s 115th anniversary
On Friday 21 September at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, the 115th anniversary of the world-renowned Daugavpils-born artist Mark Rothko will be celebrated with a concert of an Italian duet, a creative workshop for children, a press conference and the opening of eight new exhibitions.
Information for visitors of the Daugavpils Lead Shot Factory
Starting from September,1st guided tours at the Daugavpils Lead Shot Factory will be held on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays according to the following schedule: 10 a.m. (in Russian/English), 12 p.m. (in Latvian), 2 p.m. (in Latvian) and 4 p.m. (in Russian/English).
Special offer during the visit of Pope Francis
Holy Father Pope Francis will set for an apostolic visit to the Baltic States on 22nd – 25th of September 2018. He will visit Aglona on 24th of September. “Park Hotel Latgola” offers discount on accommodation services in this period.
2. septembrī Šmakovkas muzejā – ieejas biļetes par akcijas cenu
Septembra pirmajā svētdienā, 2. septembrī, individuālajiem apmeklētājiem Šmakovkas muzejā Daugavpilī biļetes cena būs tikai 1, 75 EUR.